Sunday, June 16, 2024

Four Students Suspended for Assaulting Fellow Student at Rivers State University

 The management of Rivers State University, located in Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, has taken action against four students who are members of the Man O' War campus security group for their involvement in assaulting a fellow student, Victor Tobin, who is in his 300-level.

In a statement released on Saturday, June 15, the Acting Registrar of the institution, I.B. Harry, announced the suspension of the four students. This decision was reached on Friday, June 14.

The suspended students are Monsi Baridukaka Nwaaelibabari from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Victor Chibuike Daniel from the Department of Animal Science, Ezems Ikechukwu Goodluck from the Department of Electrical Engineering, and Wilson Jacob Ree-Ugani from the Department of Marine Engineering. They have been suspended for allegedly assaulting and causing physical harm to Victor Tobin. The incident took place on June 12, 2024, at Hostel F within the university campus.

The student registrar emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and harmony among the student population. Furthermore, students are urged to adhere strictly to all university rules and regulations.

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