Swedish rapper Ninos Khouri, popularly known as Gaboro, was tragically killed in a car park shooting on Thursday night, December 19. The 24-year-old's death has sent shockwaves through the music and local communities, with reports suggesting the incident was horrifyingly recorded by the perpetrator and shared on social media.
According to police reports, authorities responded to a shooting in a city center car park around 8 p.m. Upon arrival, they discovered Gaboro suffering from gunshot wounds. He was immediately transported to the hospital, but despite medical efforts, he succumbed to his injuries shortly after.
A disturbing video circulating online reportedly shows Gaboro being attacked by his assailant, who recorded the brutal act. The footage depicts the rapper desperately attempting to escape, but tragically, he was unable to evade the attack.
Local media outlet Expressen has reported that Gaboro may have had ties to gang activity in the area. His death is the latest in a string of violent incidents involving rappers in Sweden, highlighting a troubling trend of gun violence in the country.
This marks the second high-profile murder of a Swedish rapper in recent months, following the fatal shooting of C. Gambino, 26, in a similar car park ambush.
Police have yet to make any arrests in connection with Gaboro's killing. Authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward as investigations continue.
The tragic loss of Gaboro has sparked conversations about rising crime rates and the safety of artists in Sweden, particularly those with alleged links to criminal groups. Fans and fellow musicians have taken to social media to express their grief and pay tribute to the late rapper.
This incident underscores the urgent need for measures to address gang-related violence and ensure the safety of communities in Sweden.
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