Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Biden Administration Warns Israel of Potential Consequences Over Gaza Aid Blockade


The Biden administration has issued a warning to Israel, threatening potential punitive measures, including halting U.S. weapons transfers, if the country does not take immediate steps to increase humanitarian aid access to Gaza. This warning comes in the form of a letter jointly written by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, addressed to Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer.

The four-page letter, dated October 13, urges the Israeli government to ease restrictions on the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza within 30 days, or face unspecified policy consequences. The letter, which was leaked to the public and later confirmed by a U.S. State Department spokesperson, highlights the deterioration of conditions in Gaza and criticizes recent Israeli actions that have contributed to the crisis.

Humanitarian groups and the United Nations have raised concerns over the dwindling deliveries of food, medicine, and other essential supplies to Gaza. Aid shipments have reached their lowest levels in months, further aggravating the situation in the conflict-ridden territory.

While an Israeli official acknowledged the receipt of the letter and assured that Israel would address the concerns raised, the U.S. has stressed that the communication was meant to be a private diplomatic message. John Kirby, a White House national security spokesperson, clarified that the letter was not intended as a threat but rather underscored the urgency of improving humanitarian conditions in Gaza.

The Biden administration's call for action includes a demand for Israel to allow at least 350 aid trucks into Gaza daily and to implement humanitarian pauses in its military operations. Failure to comply, the letter warns, could result in measures under U.S. policies, including halting defense aid to Israel.

The tension over humanitarian aid comes as the Israeli government continues its military offensive in Gaza, launched in response to a deadly attack by Hamas in October of the previous year. Despite calls for increased aid access, Israel has maintained strict control over what enters Gaza, citing concerns that assistance could be diverted to support Hamas militants.

As the situation unfolds, both U.S. and Israeli officials are expected to continue discussions, with humanitarian aid flows remaining a key point of contention in the relationship between the two allies.

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