Tuesday, October 15, 2024

DJ Sentenced to Six Years for Rape After YouTube Confession


A DJ, Craig Strachan, who admitted to committing rape in a YouTube video, has been sentenced to six years in prison. The 33-year-old, known by his stage name "Craig Saint," was found guilty of raping a woman in a basement flat in Edinburgh in 2013, when he was 21.

During the trial at the High Court in Livingston, jurors heard that Strachan climbed into his victim's bed uninvited and raped her while she slept. He had pleaded not guilty to the charges in July but had previously acknowledged his crime in a resurfaced YouTube video from 2022, where he stated, "I totally f***ed up and raped a girl" while under the influence of drugs.

In an interview on the "I'mpossible Conversation" YouTube channel, Strachan recounted a spiritual awakening he experienced, during which he was reminded of the incident. He admitted, "I had sex with her when she was sleeping. It lasted about 10 seconds. As soon as it happened, I instantly knew, 's***, I should not have done that.'"

The prosecution established that Strachan had uninvitedly entered the woman's bed, touched her while she slept, and subsequently raped her upon her awakening. Strachan's claim that he believed she was awake and consenting was dismissed, and the jury reached a unanimous verdict in under an hour.

Judge Fiona Tait emphasized the seriousness of the offense during sentencing, stating that it had a significant impact on the victim. She praised the victim's bravery in testifying despite the intense media scrutiny surrounding Strachan's online admissions.

In addition to his prison sentence, Strachan was placed on the sex offenders register for life and subjected to a non-harassment order that prohibits him from contacting his victim for the next 20 years. The judge noted the necessity of this order due to Strachan's recent attempts to contact the victim.

During the trial, evidence included Facebook messages, with one from the victim stating, "You f*****g raped me." In a police interview, Strachan admitted, "I shouldn't have done it. Either way, she was sleeping, and it was wrong."

Strachan's defense attorney acknowledged the severity of the crime. In the controversial YouTube confession, Strachan expressed that he had forgiven himself after "finding God" and claimed to have reached out to the victim to apologize. He expressed hope for her forgiveness and mentioned creating a "Forgiveness Movement" to assist others in seeking redemption for their wrongdoings.

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