Saturday, June 15, 2024

Pope Francis Makes Historic Appearance at G7 Summit

 Pope Francis marked a historic milestone as the first pontiff to participate in a G7 summit, arriving by helicopter at the Puglia resort of Borgo Egnazia on Friday, June 14. Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni warmly greeted him upon his arrival.

During their exchange, Meloni asked the Pope how he was, to which Francis humorously responded, "Still alive." The prime minister echoed the sentiment, prompting the Pope to quip, "That makes two of us."

Expressing mutual appreciation, Francis and Meloni exchanged pleasantries, with the Pope remarking, "Happy to meet you again," and the premier welcoming him warmly, describing his presence as a significant gift.

At the summit, Pope Francis engaged in discussions on various topics, including artificial intelligence (AI), energy, and the Africa-Mediterranean region. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that AI remains aligned with human values and ethical principles.

Specifically addressing concerns about the role of AI in decision-making, especially in matters of life and death, Pope Francis stressed the need for human control over AI programs. He cautioned against relinquishing decision-making power to machines, emphasizing the vital role of human dignity in ethical AI development.

Calling for an international treaty to govern AI development and usage, the Pope underscored the necessity of imbuing AI with human values such as compassion, mercy, morality, and forgiveness. He warned against the unchecked advancement of AI devoid of ethical considerations.

In his closing remarks, Pope Francis emphasized the collective responsibility to harness AI for the common good. While acknowledging the potential benefits of AI, he urged political leaders to create frameworks that ensure its ethical and beneficial use for humanity.

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